Sunday, May 4, 2008

Welcome to the Great Serve

The Great Serve is the largest supplier of Gorean Foods and Slave Chores in Second Life. The store currently has over 40 slave chores to keep your pets busy and out of trouble. We also have nearly every drink and food item read about in the books.

The Great Serve is a very large supplier of gorean roleplay items including food, drinks, chores, furniture, clothing for Free Women and Free Men, slave items, full Caste items for Physicians, Scribes, Builders, Warriors, Slavers, and Admins.


Wednesday said...

sis, you continue to amaze you so much, you are soooo talented

Anonymous said...

Mistress, this girl thanks you for the wonderful items. She was wondering if you had an animated blackwine serve (the final kneel and offer, available down in your basement). She bought a paga serve cup, as well as a few trays, but would hate for a Master or a Mistress or a visiting dignitary to click on the paga cup because this girl was unclear that it was only for purposes of the animation.

dorothy (SL: Dorothy Earnshaw)
second girl, City of Tharna