I am not a silk designer.. the tiny prims give me a headache *grins*. But every once in a while I get an idea and just have to make it. I hope you all enjoy this set. Carefully wrought golden chains wrapped around shining gems make up this 9 piece set. Comes in 7 colors and contains 1 pg top, 2 M tops, long skirt, short skirt, chain belt, armbands, head jewels, earrings, and a sculpted veil.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
New Silks - Inspired
Friday, October 17, 2008
New Items at the Great Serve
A New line of gowns at the GS. Full and luxurious. Thick velvet over a brocade underskirt. Designed for both Gorean and Renaissance wear. Comes in seven colors complete with veil, 2 headpieces, adorable jeweled slippers, and full sculpted sleeves.
Next a new chore/task. A very detailed spinning wheel. Sit down on the stool and the wheel begins to spin, thread flowing from the wheel and through your hands.
And finally the Sa Tarna Mill. I have wanted to make one of these for a year. Full prim detail with flowing grams and flour. Two stories with sculpted railings, a rotating water wheel and gears, and barrels and sacks of grain and flour.
And last a wonderful addition to the store from my favorite scripter, thank you Baron :) . A full set of camping scripts designed specifically for the GS chore animations. The set comes with 6 sets of the scripts, each run by a simple notecard. Simply enter the time and amount of payment on the notecards and set the scripts and notecard in the chore. Put those campers to work :)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Happy Anniversary to The Great Serve
It's hard to believe it has been a year since I first opened my little store in Second Life. In that year my inventory has grown to over 1700 items. Chores, Food and Drink from all over Gor, Caste Items, FM and FW clothing, slave items, Full Serve packages.... and soo much more. Every time I read a quote I find something new to bring to life within SL. I love this world so much and I am thankful to everyone who lets me be a part of their SL role play experience.
To celebrate the anniversary I hosted a treasure hunt at the store. I hid 25 gift boxes filled with items from my store. There were also another 15 filled with gifts from some of my favorite stores in SL, including Anyia, Flames of Passion, The Lair, Eve Cartier, Analise, Merchant Tarl, Husky, and so many more.
I am so proud of everything that my store has become, and I enjoy sharing everything I see and design with my friends and family within SL. I do not claim to be a perfect Gorean or to understand and know the books by heart. But I love learning about everything and bringing it to life. There is a passion here in Sl Gor that is lacking in so many aspects of RL.. Thank you all for sharing this with me.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Fully Illustrated Gorean Cook BookNew from the Store a 32 page fully illustrated book of Gorean Serves. This book is built with the Thinc book... it can be worn as a hud or
displayed on a counter. Pages flip on touch, each recipe includes a beautiful illustration and a full recipe. Touch the Menu tab on the bottom of the book and find a notecard of the full recipes, each with corresponding book quotes. This book represents a full year of food research and recipe testing and I truly hope it helps you create wonderful serves for your loved ones.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
New at the Main Store… The Caste of the Month Display. This month the Ubar/Admin Caste (purple). (Yes it is an online-ism, but it can’t be ignored.) Stop by the store to see all of the new items created for this Caste. Also, the serve of the month has been completed for June, and I will add it below for your enjoyment. This month it was breaded eel with steamed white crawfish, crispy green peas, rence rice, and black bread.
The store has reached over 1500 in inventory now, and doing wonderfully. I finally had some time to get out all of those small things I had been working on and complete them. So many new items I don’t know where to begin. Aside from the New Caste Display, there is the new courtyard fountain with particle water; the MLP garden (full prim 3 station animation); new full serve of the month (breaded black river eel); full garden set up with Gorean plants; pouch of chocolate treats; Tarsk meal stuffed with peppers and suls; 3 Red Savage collars; and so much more.
New item…Red Savages Collar. Made from the following description…
"The red savages do not use steel collars. They use high, beaded collars, tied together in the front by a rawhide string. Subtle differences in the styles of collars, and in the knots with which they are fastened on the girls' necks, differentiate the tribes. Within a given tribe the beading, in its arrangements and colors, identifies the particular master. This is a common way, incidentally, for warriors to identify various articles which they own." - Savages of Gor, Pg. 102
This collar can be modified and tinted in any pattern of your choosing making it uniquely yours.
Monday, May 26, 2008
New Shipment of Falarian Wine...
Every 5 or 6 months we receive a small shipment of Falarian wine at the store. These bottles are extremely expensive and rare ((in keeping with the books)). Right now the store has 14 bottles in the wine vault located next to the main building. Each bottle is individually numbered and comes in a private locked box with it's certificate of number and authenticity. So far the store has only sold 53 bottles... and it is the only store in SL which currently has access to this delicate and extremely rare wine. We hope you stop buy for a visit soon *smiles*.